Saturday, October 1, 2011


Hey my name is Alexander Boone, but you can call me Alex. I'm 15 and am a sophomore in high school. I live in Kentucky.
I love to write. I write mostly sci-fi, fantasy, and occasionally adventure novels. I'm working on a couple of books at the moment, but have yet to finish them. I'm looking for an epically awesome idea that I haven't found yet. I've been writing since I was about 9, and have pages and pages of ideas.
I'm not very good at this whole blogging thing yet, but I'll get there. If you actually read this, thanks!


  1. Hey, I saw that you followed my blog, so I thought I'd return the favor.

    In time, your blog will get a bit popular. It took me two years to get even 19 followers.

    I'm fourteen and I write fantasy, science fiction, and horror/paranormal novels. I live in Texas.


  2. Thanks for being my first follower, Matt! Texas is awesome, the Cowboys rule.

  3. The Cowboys suck! I'm a Colts fan. :D

    Anyway, I'm writing a book called THE SHADOW LORD right now, and I'm a bit more than halfway through it right now, at 47,000 words. My goal is 90,000.

    Anyway, what are you working on?


  4. The Colts are cool too :P (but the Cowboys will always be better haha)

    I'm currently writing a trilogy about a motley group of poeple fighting in a war. It's set in a medieval type world. The main character is a teenager, Anurin, who becomes leader of the group. Anurin doesn't know it yet, but he has some minor magical abilities.

    What's your book about?

  5. Hey, Alex. I'm Jackson, as you know from my blog. Sorry it's taken me so long to get to commenting on your blog, I've been really busy with part, and sleep, and family and all that stuff.

    Anyway, hi! I write any on the planet. I've sort of made a goal to always make each series (or book if not part of a series) different from my last. I never want to write a book in the same genre.

    Well, I'm fifteen. I have musical abilities/a bit, and love to make videos. I'll be sure to check back on your blog.


    BTW: the post that's coming up today, you'll be mentioned in it.

  6. Alex,

    My book, THE SWORD KEEPER, is about a boy named Jason Zenith who is sucked up through a journal and dumped in a strange, imperiled land called Yzela. Soon, he is named Sword Keeper, and joins the resistance, vowing to fight back against the Shadow Lord and his empire. He must also collect the four elements - earth, air, fire, water - to find out his true name and undo the emperor. Meanwhile, there is a greater threat, the Red Prince, who has spread a plague throughout Yzela that Jason must also stop.

    Complicated, yes, but it'll all make sense in the end. :D


  7. Hey, Jackson! Thanks for the follow. I think it's cool that you want to write a book in every genre. I mostly stick to fantasy. Have you heard of nanowrimo? I'm doing it this year, you should too.

  8. Matt,

    Your book sounds awesome! I especially like the part about collecting the elements.

  9. Hi, Alex!

    Hopped over from Jackson's place. Welcome to the blogosphere! Don't panic. You'll get the hang of it in no time.

  10. Hey, David!

    Thanks for the follow. It seems like you'repretty popular on here. 300 followers? Wow.

  11. Woo! Massive teen talk (plus David)! :D

    Anyway. Hey Alex, I'm Nick. I live in New Zealand, and I'm also fifteen and working on an epic fantasy. Thanks for the follow on my blog :) Definitely looking forward to getting to know you and reading some more of your posts.
